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Project Start Up Method used in a Cradle to Cradle Project

1 What's happened so far
There are initiatives taken by various parties and groups.
There are ideas about what could be done, which objectives can be achieved.

2 what is ready if the PSU has ended ... ....
The challenge for the participants in going for a C2C project is formulated

1 The reason for the project
2 the aim of the project
3 the intended project results
4 the possible effects of the project
5 the framework conditions within which the project takes place
If the PSU is completed, there is green light for a further elaboration of the project plan, a team can be composed, that the job is done. .
3 What happens during a PSU?

The attendees put together (in concept)

-          The problem statement/challenge of the project
-          The reason for the project
-          The objective of the project
-          The result of the project
-          The delimitation of the result
-          The effects of the project
-          The framework conditions within which the project takes place

Questions in the problem statement/challenge (1)
What is the problem and how can we translate it into challenges?
Why is it a challenge?
Who has the most burden of the existing situation?
When nobody has bothered?
Since when is this challenge at stake?
How did the challenge arise?
Has since been changed something?
What causes are already figured out?
What solutions have already been tried?

Questions at the occasion of the project (2)
Where, when, and to whom did the idea for this project arise?
Is there already a project history?

Questions for the purpose of the project (3)
What should happen with the existing situation to convert discontent into satisfaction?
To what should the project contribute to?
What is the essence of the project?

Questions in the project result (4)
What is tangible if the project is ready?
What is than visible for me?
Are the result the right means to achieve the objective?
Will the objective come closer if there are results?
Lost a part of the challenge in the result?

Questions to the delineation of the project (5)
What is NOT the result of the project
There Is a demarcation to content: where stops the project? the project not?
There Is a delineation per phase: when the project and what happens then stops pa s?
What falls outside the project and will not be delivered to the client?
Are the limits of what does and does not belong to the project clear for others?
What should be delivered or cared for by others than the project team?
What are the responsibilities of the user if the result is delivered?

Questions to the effects of the project (6)
"The effects of the project are the consequences that the uitvering of the project in the broadest sense may have, outside the reach of the intended result"
(Project manually creating, Jo Bos and Ernst Harting, Lannoo 1998)
Intended and unintended effects.
The timely identification of possible negative effects is using a risk analysis mapped.

Questions to the edge conditions of the project (7)
This is about budget and deadlines.
No substantive requirements.