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General video's

A little film about the essence of C2C can be seen here
The essence of the circular economy can be seen
What was the most impressive thing you saw in
the film of Michael Braungard
The story of stuff 

Here a film (2,5 minuten) about the essence of circular economy.
Here film about linear economy
Here circular economy and rethinking
Here great film about circular economy

Of the general training you can see video's about

1. Group discussion
A film in the English language about Cradle to Cradle can be seen here

Watch the video of this part

2. Theory 

Watch the video of this part 1

Watch the video of this part 2

3. Group discussion
Make a time line from 1900 - 1920 - 1940 - 1960 - 1980 - 2000 - 2012 - 2100
What role played waste in those periods

The story of stuff

Theory Part of the ppt above about footprint, waste, plastic Cheap labour search for resources since Columbus

300 years ago no woods any more in Germany then reforestation
The take and make waste period

Watch the video of this part

4. Playing the game in three rounds on three levels

After the game is played you can discuss the game using this ppt
Watch the video of this part

5. Change management
1. Change management and the Concerend based adoption model by Rudolph Bolsius

Watch the video of this part
6.The implementation of Cradle to Cradle in business by Rudy Daelmans see here.

Watch the video of this part

7. Circular economy

The ppt used by Ken Webster

Report rethink the future (about Circular economy)

Watch the video of this part

8. What was the most impressive thing you saw in the film of Michael Braungard

Statements of the participants out of different countries



Dutch participants

German participants


Greece participants

Irish participants

Romanian participants